'A Multi-Dealer Shop by the Sea'
Happy New Year!
"And now let us welcome the new year, full of things that have never been."
Rainer Maria Wilka
Each season in the Grove has it charms and there are varied events to attend. Even before the Flea Markets of May and September, which have become legendary, there are events to cure the "winter blahs". Think Girlfriends Week-end Getaway, which each year is usually scheduled for the last week-end in February, or Chocolate Lovers' Week-end, scheduled for early March. Both winter events promise to put a smile on your face. So whatever your pleasure, please come and enjoy what Ocean Grove has to offer, off-season. You will not be disappointed. And don't forget to stop in at our shop. We are open all year round, but closed seasonally Tuesdays and Wednesdays starting sometime in the Fall and throughout the winter months of January, February and March. We look forward to seeing you.
If you don't visit us this winter, a full listing of events is available on the Ocean Grove Chamber website. There is truly something for everyone- Car Shows, Spring Flings, Flea Markets, Town-Wide Yard Sales, Concerts in the Great Auditorium, July 4th Special Events, and always 'Retail Therapy' supplied by the unique shops in our downtown district.
A full listing of events throughout 2021 is always available on the Ocean Grove Chamber website.
For a complete listing of Town Events please visit">